We issue all official academic and transfer records for current students and alumni. This office maintains course offerings and schedules academic classrooms. Additionally, the Registrar’s Office reports and records grades, certifies degrees and verifies enrollment and graduation applications. The Registrar’s office determines academic honors, certifies VA educational benefits, determines NCAA Division III student athletic eligibility, and updates transfer credits from previous institutions.

The Registrar’s Office also assists the University faculty and administrators by providing student and course data, analysis and recommendations required for policy formation, curriculum planning, program development, and advising in the form of catalogs and course schedules.

Contact Information

Ginny Taylor

Transcript requests

The Registrar’s Office handles all official transcript requests. To request an official transcript from Mount St. Joseph University, visit the transcript requests page.

Returning to the Mount

Please review the policy for returning to the Mount after being gone for a semester or longer. If you have not enrolled in any courses elsewhere AND if you have been gone two years or less, complete this form and return it to the Registrar’s Office as directed.


Click here to view catalogs and courses