Project EXCEL is a structured support system focused on assisting students diagnosed with a learning difference. Initiated in 1982, Project EXCEL has proven to provide highly successful interventions. Project EXCEL addresses the needs of students through a comprehensive support system including academic support, executive function coaching, and help navigating new social situations.  


As a Project EXCEL student, you’ll discover your academic strengths, address learning challenges and acquire new skills.


Mount Ranked Among 30 Best Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities



Project EXCEL students have a diagnosis of a learning difference that impacts their academic progress. Students applying to the program must have average to superior intellectual ability.

Space is limited, so we carefully evaluate each application to identify students who best match Project EXCEL resources. Entering freshmen and transfer students are eligible.


Project EXCEL’s goal is help traditional-age students transition from a secondary program to college. The program fosters academic success by developing students’ learning strategies and compensatory skills to allow them to succeed in a regular postsecondary academic program. Project EXCEL offers students a broad spectrum of resources to meet specific needs, including:

  • Adult professional tutoring
  • Monitoring of student progress and academic counseling
  • Scheduled consultations to promote organization and time management skills
  • A 2-credit-hour course, Study for Success, for incoming freshmen
  • Access to and instruction in using technology
  • Access to speech recognition software
  • Direct instruction in academic success strategies, reading in the content areas and developing coping skills
  • Consultative academic advising with attention to students’ specific learning needs
  • Executive function support
  • Mentoring offered to freshmen students

All Project EXCEL students are educated in the broad spectrum of the liberal arts, and an opportunity to receive a career-oriented education. Students can chose any major the Mount offers, and must meet established department criteria.

Mount St. Joseph University provides reasonable academic adjustments and auxiliary aids to eligible students at no charge, according to students’ individual needs. We also provide advocacy assistance on disability-related issues. Eligibility depends on the nature of the impairment and its impact on the particular individual, based on documentation from a qualified professional.

A gift to Project EXCEL will help us continue providing students with learning differences the support to succeed at a reasonable cost.  Please use this form if you would like to support Project Excel.