The Department of Computing offers two majors: Computer Science and Web & Mobile App Development. These majors have a common core of related computing courses in addition to discipline specific content area courses. For the Computer Science major a student must complete a minor from a list of approved disciplines.  For the Web and Mobile Application Development major a student must complete the technical track or the graphic design track requirements. Interested students should contact the Department of Computing for more information.  In addition, the department offers minors in Computer Science and Web & Mobile App Development.

This program is offered for students who:

  • desire to enter into a technology based career;
  • wish to pursue career fields such as software engineering, web development, mobile application development, database design or administration, programming, digital media creation, or animation.
  • want to go on to graduate school in informatics, computer science,  or pursue an MBA.

Majors in the Department of Computing are encouraged/required to engage in a work experience related to their discipline in order to integrate skills learned in the classroom and to obtain experience that should prove valuable upon graduation. This work experience may take place within a business, industry, or other appropriate setting. In addition, all majors must complete a senior research project in which they study a relevant topic under the guidance of a faculty mentor.

Computing major/minors are expected to maintain a “C” or better in all required department courses (INF and MTH), and meet all requirements for the chosen minor.

Students earning a D, F, or W in any required INF or MTH course will be subject to the following action(s):

  • Student receives a warning letter from the Department Chairperson after the first D, F, or W.
  • Student is placed on departmental probation after the second D, F, or W.
  • Student is dismissed from the major after the third D, F, or W.

A student may appeal in writing the dismissal from the major to the Department Chairperson. In extenuating circumstances, the Chairperson may reinstate the student to the major. Students transferring to the Mount from another college and wishing to obtain a major in Computing must complete at least half of the credits for their major program through the Mount.